andywils3 30th August 2008

I'm only good at writing my feelings through poems so please find below: Mom Dads asked me for some happy words, about my memories of Lyn, At first I couldn’t face the task, but I’ve found the strength within, I remember when we were growing up, when we’d want to stay out late, Or go somewhere, with a reputation, that wasn’t all that great, We’d ask our dad and he would say: “not on my bl**dy life”, So we did what every smart kid would, and went to ask his wife. She’d work her magic and he would say, “well on your head be it” Then she’d smile and give us a wink, when our dad couldn’t see it. Sometimes though he’d hold his ground, and we’d just sulk and mope but Lyn would say, trust me kids, never give up hope. On these occasions we often thought, hopeless was our plight, Just leave it to me she would say, I’ll ask in bed tonight. Naively at the time, of course, we thought that’s all she meant, I cant recall one time though, when she lost in any event. In later years, she was diagnosed with the horrible big C, Martin rightly, offered odds on Lyn to win, of only 1 to 3. As the odds suggest, cancer had its a*se spanked, in rounds 1 to 11, But sucker punched in round 12, and sent her up to heaven. She bravely fought all the way, just seeking some remission, But after 8 years it got too much, and beat her to submission. Religion claims that heaven is a great end to lifes track, With respect though lord, bo**ocks to that, us kids just want Lyn back Never the less she’s with you now, and our loss is your gain, But the very least that you can do now Lord, is help us through this pain Your Son Andy x